Spoiler alert...it might not be what you think!
It seems like various foods are suddenly being deemed "toxic" every other day. At this rate, it's hard to keep up! If you're confused about what foods you should eat and what foods you should avoid, don't worry! I have all the answers you could ever need in this blog post.
As far as foods you should avoid, the following list is a good place to start:
Foods you are allergic to
Foods that don't taste good to you
Foods that have spoiled
Foods that have contaminants in them
Now, here is my list of foods you should feel free to eat as you please:
Foods you enjoy eating
Foods that taste good to you
Foods that nourish you
Foods that are important to your traditions
As you can see, I didn't actually write any specific foods on either of these lists. There is a reason for that. No singular food needs to be completely off-limits to you unless it falls into one of the four "avoid" categories I listed previously. Life is short, and filling your body with foods that make you happy is so important. Each and every food can fit into a perfectly balanced diet, even junk food.
If you find yourself constantly binging and then restricting junk food, or you just want more guidance on how to follow a balanced diet that allows you to enjoy junk food in a healthier way, I would love to help! You can learn more about me and my services here.