Vacations are chalked full of travel, relaxation, and lots of yummy food. Unfortunately, they can also be full of food guilt. Find out how to overcome food guilt so you can still enjoy your much-deserved vacation this year!
We tend to eat more than usual and opt for less healthy foods when we are on vacation. Because of this, feelings of food guilt may be heightened during vacations. If you're not aware, food guilt occurs when individuals feel guilty or ashamed after eating certain foods. Food guilt can make eating a stressful experience, and can cause individuals to develop a negative relationship with food.
Food guilt can be tough to overcome because we often don't even notice it when we experience it. To truly overcome food guilt, whether you're on vacation or not, you have to unlearn a lot of things you thought you knew about food.
Despite popular belief, food cannot be categorized as good or bad. There are foods high in nutrients and foods low in nutrients, and a whole lotta foods in between. Food is complex and our relationship with food is complex.
We often feel guilty after eating foods low in nutrients, such as fast food or junk food. Foods low in nutrients can still play an important part in our traditions and celebrations. Like foods high in nutrients, foods low in nutrients deserve to have a place in our lives...and our vacations!
Next time you're on vacation and notice yourself experiencing food guilt, remind yourself that you are allowed to enjoy all the foods you choose to eat. If you want to learn even more about how to overcome food guilt, I wrote a step-by-step guide that is completely FREE to download! Click here to make it yours.